Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Check in: Week 5

I'm late and I don't have too much to report (womp womp).

Well, let me rephrase that.

The diet front of our Battle is on the downslide but ONLY because of our trip to Vegas and then before we even had the chance to get back into the swing of things I took a little trip with my mom to Idaho to visit my grandparents. And then our blender broke. Well just the blender jar broke and the cost to replace it was about 5 dollars less than buying a new blender and we don't even like the one we have so.... we had to get a new one. But we use it just about everysingleday so it was something I was willing to spend a little money on.

But everything is back to normal and we are hitting it!

I do have news to share on the debt payoff...



Yup, almost exactly one month to the day from starting our payoff, we made the final payment on the first card we wanted to pay off! AND we were able to put $600 towards the next one! That makes our total debt payoff total for the last two weeks $824.15!! Yay!

We're going to be able to get a pretty big chunk of the next card out of the way this next month and I am really looking forward to that!

Hopefully next weeks check in will be full of awesome news and we will be back on our way to hitting ALL our goals!

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