Monday, March 11, 2013

Check in: Week 3

I am writing this post today from the midst of a level one disaster kitchen.


I'll tell ya why in a minute.

So we have successfully completed three weeks of the "Battle of the Bulge 2013" over here and it is going quite well.

We have gotten rid of a total 19.6 lbs of chub and $287.40 of debt which brings the debt payoff total to $778.40!!

I'm pretty pleased about it all really. I think that after this week we will have paid off the last of one credit card and we will have started making headway on the next! That is pretty exciting news for me!


We got our dishwasher and its lovely (or it would be if it were hooked up)
I have lost almost 10 lbs
Husband has lost 10 straight up! (I like when we lose at the same rate, though I know that pretty soon here he will probably keep losing and mine will... taper off somewhat. Darn men. Lucky sons...)
I have finished sanding all my cabinet doors
Its pretty much warm enough that Liam and I can walk to the park
I've really started branching out on recipes and have discovered a few DELICIOUS ones that are diet approved :)


Not having a car really doesn't get easier
The dishwasher isn't hooked up and I cant use the sink otherwise water starts spilling all over the place

So the upsides obviously outweigh the bad this week and thats good. This week wasn't nearly as hard as last week was. Hopefully things continue to go smoothly next week!

So back to the disaster. We got our dishwasher and husband thought that we had everything we needed to hook it up. We do have all the parts we need but because of where we need to put our dishwasher, none of the hookups are long enough. So basically the hot water is disconnected and if I run the cold water in the sink, water starts pouring out from under the dishwasher (that isn't hooked up but is put in its proper location). Also, my cabinets currently have no doors or drawer fronts. They are all either in the garage or in the laundry room. So that just adds to the overall look of disorder and confusion. (Anyone else imagine Sir. Topham Hat saying "you've cause confusion and delay"? Just me?)

Anyway, now that I'm almost 10 down, I think I can start looking towards making a plan of how much I actually want to lose. And how ambitious I think I should be. Am I going for my first year of college skinny (probably the smallest I have ever been) or more like the day I got married skinny (which was also pretty small but about 15 pounds heavier than the first year of college). I dunno. I don't think I'm going to worry about it too much. Yet. But its on my mind.

How did your week go? Any accomplishments you're proud of?


  1. Great progress!! Between your loss and Leah's gain of FABULOUS re-decor i could be very envious!!
    Keep chipping away!! I think i'll go to the golf course and chip :-)

  2. if any of you want some inspiration and great tips follow this
    I have known this sweet lady since she was in grade school.


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