Monday, March 21, 2011

in it for the food

Once upon a time, back when I was wild and free, I went on a date with a young man. I was "dating" another fellow, but he was at work and I was off and an offer was made I just couldn't refuse. I accepted the date in front of poor "boyfriend" and didn't even feel bad. (I should have known that one wouldn't work out...) I was only in it for the food. He wanted to take me to The Melting Pot. I'd never been there and it sounded like fun. So off we went.

We drove downtown chatting, him about "how much he missed his girlfriend" (she was visiting family in Idaho) and me about the songs on the radio... no thoughts of poor working boyfriend on my mind. We got to our destination and were seated at our two person table. One side a bench seat, the other a chair. I sat on the bench and he asked if he could sit by me. On my one person bench. I reluctantly said yes and down he plopped. I say plopped because he was a little bigger and there is no way to gracefully wedge yourself in between a table and then sit.

So we order, or rather he told me what was good and ordered for us, and went on with the dinner date. He would occasionally mention how he likes to spend money on people and other nonsense and then he threw in how he "missed his girlfriend" and how much he liked "spending money on her" and how "he really missed cuddling with her" and then shot me a meaningful look. The look. I politely said "Not happening." We kept eating. I had placed my hand down by my leg for some reason when he ever so smoothly did the same. On my hand. Blech. He said "your hands are really soft." "Thanks, I use lotion," move hand away... Oh dear. So finally dinner was over and he said, "You know, desert here is really good..." good grief "No thanks, I'm really full" was my reply. Finally we leave. I think the dinner bill was somewhere around 70 dollars. Like I said, just in it for the food...

As we're driving home he asks something about "Can I come over to your house?" I wanted to say "No way ever never!" but instead said,"I think you should just take my back to work." So he did. And my boss drove me home, after getting a good laugh and telling me I should never have gone out with him... yeah yeah. In it for the food. Boyfriend was jealous. I got creeped on. The food was great.


  1. squire! i love how eloquently you use the english language!

  2. haha I'm wondering where the heck this story came from! I love your writing. I love the melting pot too. Amazing. A little more amazing however when you're not getting "creeped" on. For sure.

  3. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... he asked me too... I told him I was a bit too young for him...

  4. Oh Whit HAHAHAHA he doesn't even know how creepy he is, poor guy.

  5. i hope you are keeping copies of all your stories for that book you are going to write and become a delightful author!


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