Saturday, March 1, 2014

Feeding Ducks

On February 4th I had a baby.

On February 3rd I took Liam on an adventure.

He was begging me to do something fun, to go on a train ride.

I decided that I could muscle through the pain of walking to take my sweet, patient, antsy three-year-old to do something fun. He'd been putting up with a very pregnant boring mom for a long time.

We went on the train to Gardner Village. I thought we could go feed the ducks all my old bread and then we could get back on the train and head downtown so he could play on the dinosaur playground at City Creek. It would be a grand adventure.

We got to Gardner Village and walked to the duck pond. I carefully parked my stroller and put the brakes on and we walked down to a little bench and started to feed the ducks. They were viciously hungry and very excited to eat our bread. All of a sudden they all took off and flew away and down the pond.

Thats when I saw it. My stroller. Bumping down the hill. Into the duck pond. For a split second it teetered on the edge of the water. I thought it just might land back on the ground. It wasn't to be so. It slowly tipped, chair first, right  into the pond. I yelled "seriously???" and then waddled my 9 month pregnant self as fast as I could down the hill to rescue my diaper bag before it was sucked into the muck. I made it back to the top of the hill and returned to Liam who didn't really seem to notice that anything had happened. I fought off tears as I sat down. Then I noticed my train tickets, which I'd only purchased 30 minutes earlier and were still good for another 2 hours, floating away in the duck pond. Liam looked at me and said, "when are the ducks coming back?".

We successfully found the ducks and fed them without anymore incident. Then we got candy. Well Liam got some candy, I ate my grief away with fudge.

We then returned home on the train, this time Liam walked while I pushed the swampy smelling stroller.

And I had one happy little boy.

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