Monday, January 27, 2014

Working on my To-Do's

Okay, so it might just be that it is January and I just wrote my new list of things to-do this year... but I've been making pretty decent progress.

First up: knitting socks!

I have now completed TWO pairs of knit socks and there was a pretty steep learning curve there. (uh no kidding Emily, you've never knitted anything before and though SOCKS would be a good first project?) But I pushed through and even though I had NO idea what I was doing through the majority of the first pair, by the time I was on my third sock I felt pretty good. Then I did the fourth, the mate to the third. Then I didn't know what I was doing again. It was so weird. However, I finished them and they fit awesome and they are super cute!

These are my first socks, notice the one on my left foot... hole-y, has a purled row (still don't know how that even happened?) and doesn't quite fit... BUT I MADE THEM! The ugly first ones.

My much improved third sock. I used a different heel pattern for these and a different cuff. I also did a textured pattern so there are rows of little hearts across the top. I really like how they turned out and they fit great!

Second: Making a perfect batch of yeast bread!

I am waiting for my freshly mixed up batch of dough to rise for the first time, so I can't tell you how its turned out, we'll have to wait a while to see. But I did find a recipe that look fairly simple so I cut it in half (just in case its a flop, then I won't have used up 7 cups of flour) and just pulled it out of my mixer to rise. Here's hoping! 

Anyway, thats all thats going on 'round here for now!

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