Tuesday, October 18, 2011


i'm running.

i look silly i'm sure.

i have like zero endurance.

those blasted hills SURROUND my house.

i'm running a 5k in November.

i'm running a 10k any time after mid-December

i'm running a half marathon in April.

i'm running and i'm going to get stronger.

and faster

and feel better.

i'm running until i can run a marathon.
(can we say bucket list?)

i'm running.


  1. WOW - I'm honestly impressed!!! Way to go Emily!

  2. i guess this is where i get to stop making excuses for myself! thanks for that!!

  3. Go Em! I have a confession. I hate running. I have no, absolutely no desire to ever run any specified distance. Unless I'm being chased. Then I will run. Until that happens...um no. So kuddos to you!


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