Oh my goodness. I don't think that I could ask for a more fun/spontaneous/heart pounding/stressful/terrifying/memorable night if i had tried.
so here is how the day went.
i woke up with husband early in the am and took him to his 7:30 class and then i came home and did productive things like make the bed and do some laundry. you know, the usual. then at 12:20 when he got out of class i drove back over to campus and picked him up and off we went. we drove out to sandy where we did, oh so exciting things, like get the safety inspection done on my car (it passed) and then we went over to my families house. we hung out, laughed, chatted and then we decided that we wanted to get some food and so at about 5 we left to go get food and bonnie was going to go pick up her friend and then we would head out. so we finish eating and bonnie has just gotten to where we were when i get a message from my dad asking me if the paper on the counter at home was our ticket cause it said "this is your ticket" on the top of the paper. ugh. so i tell him we are heading back to get it. he met us halfway and then we were off!!!
so we get to the 'e-center' and come to find out parking is 10 bucks!!! SERIOUS?! what a rip off. but at this point in the day it has decided that it is going to rain and there is construction everywhere so we finally pick a lot that is relatively close to the building, suck it up and pay the money to park. we ditch our jackets and hurry to the concert.

so we get into the building and get some pretty rockin wrist bands and decide it would be cool to take some pictures. so the back ground you see was what we walked into. after the first band finished playing and they started setting up for MUSE the dropped these harnesses down from the lighting way up there at the top. two guys hook up and then get hoisted up to the top and just seat themselves up there. its like 30 feet off the ground. can you imagine that planning meeting where everyone was assigned their tasks for the show? "paul, harry, you get to sit 30 feet above the concert hooked up to the lighting and control things from up there... don't fall out, we can't afford any more insurance after all the money we put into this set..." yeah, i'm sure it went exactly like that....
so the first group to play was silversun pickups which i like i think like 2 of their songs... so that was kind of a drag. but then... MUSE started. it was fantastic.
and of course, what show is complete if it doesn't involve moving pillars, laser lights, strobe lights, a rotating drummer stand and a grand piano? none. thats which one. it was fantastic. i tell you, i wasn't expecting a bad show in any way, shape or form but i kid you not, they sounded just as good live as they do on their albums. it was amazing. those pillars almost constantly had something on them from shots of the crowd to video images of the perfomers mixed into other shots... it was amazing. i'm not going to lie, i did have a minor panic attack when chad just happened to be standing next to two grown men who decided that it would be good to start a fight, but other than that things went great.
(by the way, if you see that paper up in the air? well that was our friend hailey who painted a picture of the singer and was determined that she would give it to him... she got real close...)

hers is on the left... pretty cool huh?
so after the concert we walked out to about 4 inches of snow on our car. great. but, like the responsible adults that we like to pretend we are, we knew that we both had work or school in the morning so we decided to brave the weather and head for logan. well, we drove about 30 miles an hour on the freeway and were almost to ogden when we spun out across all three lanes. i think a rotation and a half. luckily no cars were around us and we were going slowly enough that we weren't really at risk of hitting the cement barrier but after that we were trying to decide if we should just stop somewhere for the night and then we heard on the radio that sardine canyon was closed because of an accident. so we stopped in ogden for the night.
all in all it was a super fun day and an adventure that i don't think i will forget for quite sometime!!!
sounds like a perfect adventure start to finish!!
ReplyDeleteyou all look like it was great fun!
That sounds like a lot of fun! Wow, that picture is awesome!