"...who is this too? THE WORLD SAYS HELLO!" The famous words of Mr. Chad Green. He is a kick. He currently has no idea who I am writing this to and I'm afraid that at any second he is going to throw himself off the desk in a desperate attempt to figure out who I am typing to. haha its making me laugh.
So I think that everyone at work thinks I'm crazy. really. I don't know why? Well actually this is why. So we have these walkie-talkie things and if you have a question you can ask it and some one will most likely answer you. Well I asked something but half way through the question I realized that I knew that answer so I was like "Oh never mind! I got it!" and the store manager comes on and says "Oh Emily, you keep us all entertained." Great. So the rest of work is laughing at me. And then one day I don't know what I did but one of my other managers says "wow, you are in a goofy mood." I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary but... there you go. And the most recent example of why I am sure that everyone at work thinks that I am crazy.... a lady at work called me and on her message she left she says "Emily, your message is hilarious. You are such a goof off." Hmm. I don't know... I don't think goof off is how I would describe me. Maybe EXTREMELY ANIMATED, or ONE OF A KIND, or SPECTACULAR, or even practically perfect in every way. but not a goof off.
well i would add my own evaluation but i'm pretty sure this about sums it up :-) you are fun fun!!