I heard ya girl.
I'm only too happy to help you kill time while you're working ;)
For the rest of ya'll who are a little lost on that one, I'm terribly sorry I've been a little absent on thee 'ol blog lately.
I don't really have any good excuses except that I didn't really have much to report.
I mean I guess that isn't true, but sometimes daily life seems a little mundane and I don't really want to rehash it out in writing. Know what I mean?
I suppose I'll start by telling you that we are still chugging away on our debt payoff. In fact today I added up the numbers, just for fun, and I was shocked. Shocked I tell you. Want to know the current payoff number? okay. I'll tell you.
WHAT THE FREAK!!!!!?????
I can't even believe it.
Seriously. I'll break it down for you. Keep in mind, these totals are from our initial amounts in February.
We owe Darrell's dad money for fronting us the money for our down payment so we've payed him back $2,672.21
We payed off two different credit cards totaling $3,607.33 and $1,011.84
We've payed down my student loan $195.90
We've payed $2,003.79 on our car loan (which we're planning on having payed off hopefully by December at the latest, 1.5 years early!!!)
and finally we've paid $825.00 in principle off our home loan since we refinanced and started repaying that in May
Does that seem crazy to anyone else? seriously. I can't believe it.
And the craziest thing of all is that I've been stuck in this "pay the small debts off first" mode of thinking that suddenly we're almost out of small debts to pay. I didn't think we would ever even get to that point. Blows my mind I tell you.
So that was definitely motivation for us to keep on going. I mean, at this rate (assuming we don't accrue any other debt for anything ever, which in all honesty is not really possible considering we desperately need a new furnace, ours kept our house at a consistent 65 degrees last winter, and we're going to need a new car sooner than later and there will probably be unexpected things that come up) we would be completely debt free aside from our house in 3 years.
Have I talked this to death yet? Sorry, I'm just proud of us because we only earnestly started trying to get rid of the debt in February and I really didn't think we would have made that much progress so quickly.
In other news, I keep finding odd projects around the house to start (still suuuper bad at finishing them) and Liam keeps me on my toes, and I love him for it. He's just such a little bug that you can't help but love him!
Anyway, that's all for now! I'll try to update a little more on the regular ;)
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