Wednesday, April 21, 2010

i'm just a little excited...

... and not really excited, mostly cause i don't want to get my hopes up too high.


I just applied for a job at a place called Scytek Laboratories. I guess they manufacture cancer treatments? (or something like that.) I sent them my resume a few days ago and they responded by sending me a real job application. I'm hoping that is a good sign, considering me and husband spent about an hour creating a whole new resume for me at like midnight to send just to them, AND I have not yet once had someone respond to me when I sent them my resume... so fingers crossed. This would be a really great job!!!

I'll let you know what happens.

p.s. this is what today looked like... and it was beautiful


  1. Cool! Good luck! Keep us posted.

    And... not to be snarky or anything... but how can chocolate ice cream straight from the freezer be slightly melty? Cause, like, things straight from the freezer should be...frozen. ;) Sorry, I just had to ask!!! :-D

  2. oh. oh. you haven't witnessed the gem of a freezer that the school provides in their housing units. everything comes out of it very very cold... just not completely frozen :)

  3. good luck! hope you get the job! and that picture is beautiful!

  4. looks like our skies yesterday - then the rains came and came and.....
    GOOD LUCK!! I'd hire you for sure!


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