Last night I went on an awesome adventure. I (along with a select few, highly trained professionals) attempted to "steal" bagels from the Einstein bagels dumpster. Alas, some other poor starving student beat us to the cache. On the upside, I almost DIED falling into the 'cardboard only' dumpster which resulted in great laughter and screaming (Funny thing... today I climbed in a similar dumpster at work... but anyway). Don't worry, it is all caught on film...er... digital-ness. After this we decided it would be great fun to roll down Old Main Hill...

...which doesn't actually look as impressively steep and deadly to walk up, and more importantly, roll down, in this picture as it actually is in real life. Just as a side note... if you want to roll down a hill keep in mind that tucking in and crossing all limbs is a critical part of gaining speed. Also, I don't really understand how it was possible for Westly to bump out "aaaaassss yooooouuuuu wiiiiiiisssshhhhh" as he went rolling down the hill. Seriously. If he were truly falling down the hill I think the words would have sounded more like "aaaah my gosh! im gunna die, im gunna die, you are SO NOT WORTH THIS!!!" or something to that effect. Cause thats what I was thinking. But anyway. That was definatly a tangent. Sorry. But anyway, what I'm really trying to get at is that so far school is the shiz and I'm glad I'm up here! But, I am now functioning on roughly 5 (?) hours of sleep so I think that I'm going to stop this rambling and say good night. Don't worry... pictures are on the way... du du du!!!
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