Because of my extended absence I thought that I would update everyone on the thrilling adventures of my life. I work. Now that may sound like... well... something that shouldn't consume too much time but between the two jobs, I am working from 45-50 hours a week. But for fun I play at the pool and hang out with two of my buddies. I took pictures for Cindy. She wanted me and Kristina to do something girly. I told her that I spend all my time with two guys and Kristina is married to one... a guy, not one of my buddies, which pretty much eliminates all girly action. So here are the pictures of a normal night with Mike and Will.
This is what we do. The picture on the left for anyone who doesn't know is a game called tetris attack. I hate this game but both Will and Mike love it. I don't really know why. I think its so dumb... but they both will sit for extended amounts of time and play occasionally saying things like... oh man emily, did you see that? while i am trying not to fall asleep on the couch or start entertaining myself by taking weird pictures.

Mike is on the left, and Will is on the right. I actually took some closer pictures just to prove that for the ten minutes that I watched them with a camera, their facial expressions didn't change at all. It was amazing.

It was an intense game. Their faces really did look like this for a really long time. And Will will proudly tell all that he won. It was good fun. So thats what has been happening with me. Not overly exciting but not all together too boring. Anyway, I will try to keep up this here blog a little bit more frequently and if I don't i'm excited to see the fam in a couple of weeks!!!
you are too funny sometimes!