Wednesday, May 14, 2008


In an effort to ease my summer boredom... (haha) I have decided to -officially- make use of the fabric that i have been collecting since working at Joann (which... lucky me, I have an interview for on Friday). Thus far I have completed one quilt top, four aprons and some pj shorts. Next on the list is another quilt top, probably another pair of shorts, three hobo bags and then something else. Who knows. Also, my summer goal is to finish reading Anna Kerinina (i think is how it is spelled). So far I am about one hundred pages in and its pretty good. I'm excited to see what the next 6 hundred bring. woohoo.

On a completely different note: never ever ever ever take your car to big-o for any sort of anything. they are full of poo. i took my car in for brake pads and they told me i had a leaking calipiar which would cost like 300$. Yeah, wrong. So i took said vehicle to another, much trusted repair shop and lo and behold.... you guessed it.... NO PROBLEMS! good thing i'm not a sucker or they would have suckered 300 bucks out of me. i think i have like seven dollars to my name right now so its a dang good thing that didn't happen.

and way, i gotta keep reading, kitty is at a ball and who knows whats going to happen...

1 comment:

  1. oooooh you are a wise shopper!!! woohoo for you on your sewing ventures! way to go! see you next week :-)


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